Looking for advise? Looking for knowledge? Look no further.
Congratulations, you made it half way through the working week. Two more days at work, two more days in school, college or university. Whilst we go about our day to day life; we come across this one little thing. You've probably heard of it.... 'problems'. Well EyeSpeakTV is here to encourage you think about these things. Which is where Wise Up Wednesdays comes in! We want to get you thinking about all these problems you face to day to day. Now you're probably wondering; why Wednesday? Well simply because it is half way through the week meaning that whatever problems you have faced so far, you have the rest of the week to solve it/overcome it and the rest of the month to learn from it and learn how it avoid it next time round or how to deal with it.
So we welcome and introduce: Wise Up Wednesday, the advise column - providing information on social and environmental issues, answering any questions you may have or simply touching about issues that people are scared to talk about. So we are going to talk about it. Change won't happen if the conversation doesn't happen.
So let's do it.
Let's talk about it.
Let's create change.
Wednesday#2 - YOUR ACTION FOR TODAY: #LearnSomethingThatWasPreviouslyUnknownToYou
(Remember to @EyeSpeakTV & #EyeSpeakTV)
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