Monday, 21 November 2016

Motivational Monday

EyeSpeakTV's No.1 Motivational Hub.
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Honestly, I don't think TV is a bad thing.
I lied.

It is honestly incredible how much information we can access just by watching a box. 100 years ago we would not have been able to do anything like that.

It's World Television Day! You know what that means? It's the day to celebration the existence of this magical device. But with this comes it's negative impacts.

Let's dive in.

Let's start off with the obvious positive? Did you know you are an amazing person? Did you know no matter what you are exposed to, or what anyone says about you, you're still an amazing person? - This isn't random. TV is the biggest platform to make you feel like the exact opposite, it is not as bad as it was maybe 2-3 years ago because now we have social media and what you see on the phone is slightly more relevant. But the amount of content on the TV that can make you feel so much smaller than you are is incredible. Examples; reality shows (showing unrealistic realities - all for the show).

Now you're probably wondering, why I'm I telling you things that you already know?

Well because although this might seem obvious, these are things that we know but hardly ever take into account. The news for example; supposedly the platform of worldwide updates. WRONG! Have you ever listened to the news? I'll repeat the question, Have you ever LISTENED to the news? Have you noticed that they slightly manipulate how you are going to interrupt it? For example; they never say '10 people injured' - but what they will say is 'After the horrific accident 10 people were brutality injured and are said to have been attacked in daylight'. They want you to know the facts but they also want to develop fear. Instead of just providing facts, they secretly enclose some opinions and adjectives simply to make you think of the worst possible scenario? Have you ever wondered why they might do this? Well let's put it this way, if you are watching something that is telling you what is going on around the world, what are you going to do the next day? You're going to check again because you want to know what's going on and you want to be safe. Please if you're going to do that, don't. If you do already do that, stop. It's all fear.

I'm not going to jump into the selective stories. You don't hear everything that happens, just some. There's a reason for that. I'm not going to jump into it right now. Just think about it.

OF COURSE if you want to know what's going on around the world just try and find a reliable source. A source where you can find the facts and the reason and end of that.  Maybe try the Guardian or BBC?

So today, make it day where you're going to try more than one source to find out the real story, what really happened. Do not stick to one source alone and do not allow yourself to be manipulated to one opinion or one side of the story. Make it the day you find out what the TV is really showing you, Television or Tel-a-lie?

Don't always trust what you see on the TV.. You've heard that one before right?

Maybe switch off the TV day and go for a walk. Because if you see something, chances are - if it's not interesting enough, you won't be seeing it again.

And maybe just maybe, leave Towie alone and work on your dream a little bit?

SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS! - What's your opinion?

Monday#1 - ActionForToday: - Find one different source of information- DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE TV!

Keeping Smiling & Stay Motivated.

Happy Monday!

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