Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Wise Up Wednesday

Another week, another Wednesday! 

Time really is flying by now, the weekend is within reaching distance but before you know it we’ll be back to work, school, college or university.

Despite our busy life styles and constant craving for the weekend we still find a lot of time to sit back and relax…or maybe that’s just me? TV is always my go to point of call whenever I have spare time, it’s just so easy to switch the television on and scroll through copious amounts of channels before something catches my attention.

So, what normally catches your attention? I can imagine it is something that is easy to follow and won’t require you knowing a back story to the rest of the programme? But do you ever watch something on TV, walk away and then think ‘what did I actually gain from that?’ very often the answer will be ‘nothing’.

This poses a vital question: in what way is TV actually helping you?
Very often the things we watch are all exaggerated versions of anything that would ever occur in reality, this therefore distorts our perception of certain aspects of life. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of TV programmes that are extremely informative, those are the good ones. Just keep in mind next time that not everything you see on TV (especially reality TV programmes) is accurate, take a step back and think to yourself ‘what can I gain from this?’ and that may help you decide what to watch- use your spare time wisely!  

But don’t worry, TV isn’t all doom and gloom!!
 Here’s three good impacts of TV:
  •  It enables young people to share cultural experiences with others and therefore learn important life lessons and values
  • News, current events and historical programming can help make young people more aware of other cultures and people.
  •  Documentaries can help develop critical thinking about society and the world, cultural programming can open up the world of music and art for young people.

So, I guess we can say that at the end of the day it’s up to us what we want to watch, but it’s also up to us what we want to learn from what we watch. 

Wednesday#2 - #YourActionForToday - #WatchSomethingBeneficalToday!


  1. Fair enough yeah,especially the so called ''reality series'' which are played by weak actors.You do not get to learn anything from them,or at least you could learn what not to do,like me. I think people should try to learn something from everything they see.

  2. Valid points were made and personally i feel it applies to a lot of people

  3. you're right, we should all work harder to make everyday and every moment valuable instead of just letting time pass by passively (by watching things like Jeremy Kyle ahaha)
