Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Wise Up Wednesday

December 1st 1955, Rosa Parks was going about her usual daily life, however this was not going to be a standard day for her. Whilst commuting home on the bus she was asked by the driver to stand and give up her seat for a white man (this was customary), however she refused to do so (not so customary). This led to two police officers to approach the stationary bus and assess the situation, they then arrested Rosa Parks for her actions.

Her actions helped start the civil rights movement in the United States.

Just the simplicity of not giving in or giving up because of what she believed in changed her life and many many others. She later said that the reason for not giving up her seat was “I was not physically tired…I was tired of giving in.”

It was a great act of courage, she probably did not know that her actions would influence others so greatly and on such a great scale. She acted so selflessly and courageously, it makes you think doesn’t it, would you do something like that? Could you stand up for your own beliefs like that? Would you stand up for your beliefs like that? Of course you would!

What should we do if we see someone standing up for themselves? Personally, I would admire them for their courage! At the end of the day, it’s something that we can all do, we just have to choose to be that courageous person.

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