Saturday, 3 December 2016

Super Saturday

Homeless or Banker?

Super Saturday has been switched up! 
Rather than talking about what has happened solely in the news or a topic in the international sector. We are going to make it a little more personal. If we have experienced something that is socially or environmentally related. We are going to discuss it. 

So let's get to it.

So for today's blog - I want to talk a little bit an experience I had with a Mcdonald voucher, a £2 coin and a Hand of bananas.

So we went out ti film today for one of our upcoming videos for our channel:

And our way back - we decided to go to McDonalds to get something to eat. I had only taken £2 out with me because I only wanted to use the £1.99 voucher to buy something. But there was a point where I dropped my camera bag and the money fell out (Which didn't upset me because now I know there was one person out there who is now £2 richer; congratulations!). 

We had gone to the market and my sister had bought some bananas for me because I love fruit but didn't have any money. On our way back we come across this super clean, healthy homeless guy who asked me 'Do you have any spare change?' I responded with 'No, I'm sorry - but would you like a banana?' He responses with 'No, that's alright but thank you'. 

I was confused for a second; if he was homeless and was offered food... why did he refuse?

I let it go. There's nothing I could do about it because I had no money.

We carry on with our journey home and there's another homeless man, but this was different because he was in the same spot everyday. In a tunnel in fact, to keep warm with his friend. I was walking past him and I asked him 'Would you like a banana?'. He looked at me for 2 seconds and then responded with 'No'. At this point I was annoyed. Why weren't these people taking my bananas? If they were desperate - they would take it! If they were homeless - they would take it. 

If it was money - WOULD THEY TAKE IT?

But then again... Can I be mad? I took a second to imagine myself as a homeless person. A genuine homeless person; would I really want someone everyday feeling sorry for me? Treating me different to every other human being just because I had a little less?

The first guy was a little different because everything about him was fresh and clean but that's not to say that he was not homeless. But it is more likely that he just wanted people's money. A survey that I found showed that some homeless people make up to £140 a day; just by begging.

But now my question to you is, what are you going to do the next time you encounter a homeless person?

You will probably walk away. 

But before you do that - don't assume that they are just after your money. As there are some people that will accept anything you are willing to give them. A sandwich perhaps? A hug even?

Humans are humans - no matter how many digits they have in their pocket.

That was my experience with a homeless person today... 

What's your next encounter going to be like?

#ActionForSuperSaturday: Be a Super Hero... imagine yourself - in their shoes. Just for a minute.

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