Saturday, 10 December 2016

Super Saturday

‘’Are we meant to be protected or exploited’’

How are you meant to feel safe if the people that are meant to protects us decides to get involved in sexual exploitation?
Yes people we are talking about the horrors of sexual exploitation! It has been reported that hundreds of police officers were accused for using their position to sexually exploit people including the victims of crime. What has the world come to? It gives me cold shivers when I think about it.
Many would say that we are basically letting ourselves for this to occur and say that we were foolish, drunk, prostitutes and trouble makers. What about vulnerable, confused and scared?
What about taking a moment and thinking that no one deserves to go through this as it could hurt one’s feelings and this could actually leave a deep scar inside them. Is there justice to this?   
Sexual demands are often made to women and they are treated like objects, This should end as men are taking advantage of a women just to satisfy their  2 minute pleasure but what about stopping for a moment and thinking that women shouldn't be treated like a toy but to think that they are also humans and that they also have feelings.
The damage that is caused to those who are sexually exploited can be a life long trauma. There is also many who went through some difficulties trying to process what had happened to them and not everyone's takes it well they ended up harming themselves with drugs and alcohol and even committing suicide.
I believe that our society is completely ignoring the fact of how many women in the world that is going through sexual exploitation in their daily lives. As a women I believe that the society to encourage women to come out and to share their experience with everyone and to support them throughout as not many women comes out of their closet and they try to keep it as a secret.
I have a friend she went through something that no girl would ever imagine. She was around 13 then and she was going home after school. She was in the public transport and she was alone at the top of the bus. A old man came and sat right next to her and said that she looked beautiful. she found it weird and she decided to get off a stop before her usual get off point and the old man got off too.
He was holding a piece of paper and he asked her if she could help him with the direction and she looked over the paper and he grabbed her breasts and tried to kiss her. She struggled and she got off him and she was shouting for help but no one bothered to stop and ask her.
Ever since then she went through some tough times and she didn't tell anyone about it until she met me. This is a story of a 13 year old who had no idea that this would have happened to her and she’s been living with this bad memory until the present moment.


What has the world come to! What would you do if this is your daughter, your sister or even a friend? If a random stranger can get away with this what about the police?


By Maya Canhye

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Throwback Thursday

Declare war or love?

1918 world war one ends - Nelson Mandela was born.

8th December 1941 Britain declared war against Japan. War... war. 

1962 - Nelson Mandela gets sent to prison for 27 years.

72 years after Britain declares war against Japan - Mandela dies.

Will it ever stop?

Let's find the link.

Mandela stood for what he believed in. Activist to the extreme - he protested - rejected the system and once again, stood for what he believed in. 

5th December a being of love dies.

8th December was a day of war.

EyeSpeakTV wants to bring awareness to both sides. Whilst attempting to promote positivity but where negativity lays, positivity is needed to implemented. 

December was a month of death & growth and both of them brought movements.

Bringing Awareness!

Bringing Growth!

Bringing Change!

CAllToAction: Do your research - learn more about Mandela - learn about war.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Wise Up Wednesday

Nelson Mandela, heard that name before?

Nelson Mandela, heard that name before? The majority of us have, but if not now is your chance to learn!

Nelson Mandela became a hero in many people’s eyes across the world after helping end the apartheid in South Africa. He fought for what was right and stood up to make a change despite his actions having serious consequences. Those consequences were 27 years in prison.

Can you imagine having that time taken away from you? Sitting idle in a prison cell when all you want to do is be out in society trying to make a change. Nelson Mandela’s patience paid off though, after all that time he finally became South Africa’s first black president in May 1994.

He sacrificed so much of his life to make it better for others, this act of courage makes him the hero he is today. People around the world celebrate his life whether they were directly affected by his actions or not. You cannot deny though, he made the world a better place.

So, have you ever thought about if your actions have had consequences? Most of the time we act impulsively in the moment and then think later. Maybe from now on we should all try to think about the consequences first, it’s more likely to end in a better situation.

Think about it…What will I achieve by doing this? How can my actions help someone? Who can I help?

So now maybe try and be more like Nelson Mandela (probably not on the same scale as him), but close enough, just be courageous. Don’t be afraid to make a sacrifice for what you believe in.

It’s the right thing to do.

Written By Holly Louzado

Monday, 5 December 2016

Motivational Monday

Are you really cold?

Think twice before you answer this simple question.

How many times haven't we all been in the situation when, even staying inside our cosy, heated homes, we were complaining about how cold and uncomfortable we were?

But how many times have we thought about the people who are really cold and do not have winter clothes or even a home? Not that many, I guess.

If you did, and also tried to help, you have my sincere admiration. Keep going!

If you had not, do not worry, you can still make a difference.

Maybe you heard about a group of lovely people in North America, who, last year, decided to "decorate" the cities with scarves, hats, gloves, and other winter clothes. These items had little notes on them, explaining that they were not lost, but dedicated to the people less fortunate. In only one day, almost 140 items were collected by the people in need.

This is truly a motivational story and it reminds us how little we can do to help and what huge impact it could have.

This also reminds us not to look at other person's life to compare ourselves, but to see if they have enough. And if not, then we should ask ourselves how can we help.

So today, this Monday, let it be the first to many more Mondays to come but with a different attitude, a different approach, but with the same smile!
Keep smiling and stay motivated!
Happy Monday!

Written by Ambra (Blogger at EyeSpeakTV)

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Super Saturday

Homeless or Banker?

Super Saturday has been switched up! 
Rather than talking about what has happened solely in the news or a topic in the international sector. We are going to make it a little more personal. If we have experienced something that is socially or environmentally related. We are going to discuss it. 

So let's get to it.

So for today's blog - I want to talk a little bit an experience I had with a Mcdonald voucher, a £2 coin and a Hand of bananas.

So we went out ti film today for one of our upcoming videos for our channel:

And our way back - we decided to go to McDonalds to get something to eat. I had only taken £2 out with me because I only wanted to use the £1.99 voucher to buy something. But there was a point where I dropped my camera bag and the money fell out (Which didn't upset me because now I know there was one person out there who is now £2 richer; congratulations!). 

We had gone to the market and my sister had bought some bananas for me because I love fruit but didn't have any money. On our way back we come across this super clean, healthy homeless guy who asked me 'Do you have any spare change?' I responded with 'No, I'm sorry - but would you like a banana?' He responses with 'No, that's alright but thank you'. 

I was confused for a second; if he was homeless and was offered food... why did he refuse?

I let it go. There's nothing I could do about it because I had no money.

We carry on with our journey home and there's another homeless man, but this was different because he was in the same spot everyday. In a tunnel in fact, to keep warm with his friend. I was walking past him and I asked him 'Would you like a banana?'. He looked at me for 2 seconds and then responded with 'No'. At this point I was annoyed. Why weren't these people taking my bananas? If they were desperate - they would take it! If they were homeless - they would take it. 

If it was money - WOULD THEY TAKE IT?

But then again... Can I be mad? I took a second to imagine myself as a homeless person. A genuine homeless person; would I really want someone everyday feeling sorry for me? Treating me different to every other human being just because I had a little less?

The first guy was a little different because everything about him was fresh and clean but that's not to say that he was not homeless. But it is more likely that he just wanted people's money. A survey that I found showed that some homeless people make up to £140 a day; just by begging.

But now my question to you is, what are you going to do the next time you encounter a homeless person?

You will probably walk away. 

But before you do that - don't assume that they are just after your money. As there are some people that will accept anything you are willing to give them. A sandwich perhaps? A hug even?

Humans are humans - no matter how many digits they have in their pocket.

That was my experience with a homeless person today... 

What's your next encounter going to be like?

#ActionForSuperSaturday: Be a Super Hero... imagine yourself - in their shoes. Just for a minute.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Throwback Thursday


Who knows Rosa Parks?

Yes? Good.

A special day marked in History. 1st of December. 

Some see it as 24 DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!

Others? Thankful to be able to sit in front of a bus, stress free. Handcuff free.

Black people. White people. Really, but really - what is the difference? 

Freedom? Class? Geography? Gender? Age? Sexuality? Race? Ethnically? Finance? 

IN REALITY? N o t h i n g. 

IN REALITY? We are the divide that we see in society.

IN REALITY? In the sad, harsh reality, we need the Rosa Parks', we need the activists and we need the change-makers. Rosa Parks stood for something she believed in which in 2016 contributed to the confidence and existence of other movements . #BlackLivesMatter movement. 

Do you know about the #BlackLivesMatter movement?

Yes? Good.

#BlackLivesMatter movement is especially an add on to Rosa's courage. The only difference is; they are a lot more numbers and we have more of an advantaged technology meaning, we can reach more, quicker and more efficiently. 

EyeSpeakTV's video 'DOES YOUR LIFE MATTER?' brings awareness to the #BlackLivesMatter movement in an unbiased way. Showing you statistics, facts, opinions and real life occasions. 

EyeSpeakTV - Exhibiting our Reality 

Wise Up Wednesday

December 1st 1955, Rosa Parks was going about her usual daily life, however this was not going to be a standard day for her. Whilst commuting home on the bus she was asked by the driver to stand and give up her seat for a white man (this was customary), however she refused to do so (not so customary). This led to two police officers to approach the stationary bus and assess the situation, they then arrested Rosa Parks for her actions.

Her actions helped start the civil rights movement in the United States.

Just the simplicity of not giving in or giving up because of what she believed in changed her life and many many others. She later said that the reason for not giving up her seat was “I was not physically tired…I was tired of giving in.”

It was a great act of courage, she probably did not know that her actions would influence others so greatly and on such a great scale. She acted so selflessly and courageously, it makes you think doesn’t it, would you do something like that? Could you stand up for your own beliefs like that? Would you stand up for your beliefs like that? Of course you would!

What should we do if we see someone standing up for themselves? Personally, I would admire them for their courage! At the end of the day, it’s something that we can all do, we just have to choose to be that courageous person.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Motivational Monday

What is the definition of a hero, is it actually a marvel superman?

A group of people were asked ‘ What is your definition of a hero?’
‘Someone who you can look up and can make a difference in your life in a positive way’

‘ Someone who does what they feel is right for the good of others without thinking of the consequences to themselves. Usually confident, courageous and relentless in their actions. Can be inspirations to all their person in their work.’

‘Someone who inspires you to do better’

The same group of people were then asked ‘ Give an example of a hero?’
‘Malcolm X’
‘My parents’

Oxford dictionary defines ‘hero’ a bit differently…
The chief male character in a book, play, or film, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize.

Surprisingly enough, no one responded with ‘Superman’.

What is a Hero to you?

What makes a difference to you?

Do we need a Hero for chance?

Your turn to answer.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Super Saturday

End Violence Against Women (EVAW) International Day on Friday 25th November 2016.

Forms of violence:

It is important to note what this movement is about. Ending violence against women but it is more than that. It is a situation that has been ongoing but has been stimulated in different forms such as the Maria da Penha tribulation ( Which in the end turned out to be an extraordinary movement for the rights of all women in society. Briefly explaining what happened; Maria was in a relationship with her husband who tried to electrocute her after already shooting her in sleep. It is said that the new Law that has been unforced since this incident has only been applies/used in larger cities. Unfortunately; not all woman are as lucky as to survive these attacks and even 2016 there are still cases of violence towards woman. According to World Health Organisation, 1 in 3 woman world wide are estimated to have experience some sort of violence. 

But it is important to note that it is not only in relationships in general where these acts of violence occurs. In some cultures it is said that men are superior to woman and always will be. 






Decide for yourself. What is going to be your action for today? Are you going to read one of the links above? Learn something new today and keep yourself aware of what is going on around the world. Some of the articles mentioned have provoked others to arise. Such as violence towards woman in Brazil and Kenya even leading onto Women and children. 

Become a percentage wiser than you were yesterday. 


Thursday, 24 November 2016

Throwback Thursday

Today Reflect Video: SOSMedia

TV... Media.. LET'S REFLECT. SOSMedia was creating to bring forth the benefits and drawbacks of social media. have you ever wondered, seriously wondered: 

Are you making YOUR dreams a reality or WATCHING the reality of someone else's DREAM?
So what is meant by that, well; it's always easy to jump on Snapchat and see what Billy Jean's cousin is up to (because let's face it only a small percentage of us ONLY add people on snapchat that we know, most of us get added and just back with the attitude of 'let's see what this stranger is doing today?' But honestly think of it this way, what are you HONESTLY contributing to your own personal development, making yourself a better person, making a difference to your future, contributing to making your future how you desire to be. I know this is just words right? 

Let's reflect a little more. Let's give ourselves an example: You want to be a Fireman. Tell me, honestly, how have you contributed to making that a reality. Have you allowed yourself to get distracted, regardless as to whether you're doing a course or just finding different methods to approach this career path. There is so much you could be doing to make this a reality but only you can answer this. 

SOSMedia tells you that you need to stop caring so much about how much of a following you have 'this picture only got 7 likes, I'm deleting it' - How many times have you heard this? 

Think about it. 

ThrowBackThursday#2 - YourActionForToday - WatchSOSMedia & Review it for yourself!

Throwback Thursday! - By the way: You're amazing! - I Promise!

#EyeSpeakTV & @EyeSpeakTV

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Wise Up Wednesday

Another week, another Wednesday! 

Time really is flying by now, the weekend is within reaching distance but before you know it we’ll be back to work, school, college or university.

Despite our busy life styles and constant craving for the weekend we still find a lot of time to sit back and relax…or maybe that’s just me? TV is always my go to point of call whenever I have spare time, it’s just so easy to switch the television on and scroll through copious amounts of channels before something catches my attention.

So, what normally catches your attention? I can imagine it is something that is easy to follow and won’t require you knowing a back story to the rest of the programme? But do you ever watch something on TV, walk away and then think ‘what did I actually gain from that?’ very often the answer will be ‘nothing’.

This poses a vital question: in what way is TV actually helping you?
Very often the things we watch are all exaggerated versions of anything that would ever occur in reality, this therefore distorts our perception of certain aspects of life. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of TV programmes that are extremely informative, those are the good ones. Just keep in mind next time that not everything you see on TV (especially reality TV programmes) is accurate, take a step back and think to yourself ‘what can I gain from this?’ and that may help you decide what to watch- use your spare time wisely!  

But don’t worry, TV isn’t all doom and gloom!!
 Here’s three good impacts of TV:
  •  It enables young people to share cultural experiences with others and therefore learn important life lessons and values
  • News, current events and historical programming can help make young people more aware of other cultures and people.
  •  Documentaries can help develop critical thinking about society and the world, cultural programming can open up the world of music and art for young people.

So, I guess we can say that at the end of the day it’s up to us what we want to watch, but it’s also up to us what we want to learn from what we watch. 

Wednesday#2 - #YourActionForToday - #WatchSomethingBeneficalToday!

Monday, 21 November 2016

Motivational Monday

EyeSpeakTV's No.1 Motivational Hub.
Image result for TV Clip Art copyright free
Honestly, I don't think TV is a bad thing.
I lied.

It is honestly incredible how much information we can access just by watching a box. 100 years ago we would not have been able to do anything like that.

It's World Television Day! You know what that means? It's the day to celebration the existence of this magical device. But with this comes it's negative impacts.

Let's dive in.

Let's start off with the obvious positive? Did you know you are an amazing person? Did you know no matter what you are exposed to, or what anyone says about you, you're still an amazing person? - This isn't random. TV is the biggest platform to make you feel like the exact opposite, it is not as bad as it was maybe 2-3 years ago because now we have social media and what you see on the phone is slightly more relevant. But the amount of content on the TV that can make you feel so much smaller than you are is incredible. Examples; reality shows (showing unrealistic realities - all for the show).

Now you're probably wondering, why I'm I telling you things that you already know?

Well because although this might seem obvious, these are things that we know but hardly ever take into account. The news for example; supposedly the platform of worldwide updates. WRONG! Have you ever listened to the news? I'll repeat the question, Have you ever LISTENED to the news? Have you noticed that they slightly manipulate how you are going to interrupt it? For example; they never say '10 people injured' - but what they will say is 'After the horrific accident 10 people were brutality injured and are said to have been attacked in daylight'. They want you to know the facts but they also want to develop fear. Instead of just providing facts, they secretly enclose some opinions and adjectives simply to make you think of the worst possible scenario? Have you ever wondered why they might do this? Well let's put it this way, if you are watching something that is telling you what is going on around the world, what are you going to do the next day? You're going to check again because you want to know what's going on and you want to be safe. Please if you're going to do that, don't. If you do already do that, stop. It's all fear.

I'm not going to jump into the selective stories. You don't hear everything that happens, just some. There's a reason for that. I'm not going to jump into it right now. Just think about it.

OF COURSE if you want to know what's going on around the world just try and find a reliable source. A source where you can find the facts and the reason and end of that.  Maybe try the Guardian or BBC?

So today, make it day where you're going to try more than one source to find out the real story, what really happened. Do not stick to one source alone and do not allow yourself to be manipulated to one opinion or one side of the story. Make it the day you find out what the TV is really showing you, Television or Tel-a-lie?

Don't always trust what you see on the TV.. You've heard that one before right?

Maybe switch off the TV day and go for a walk. Because if you see something, chances are - if it's not interesting enough, you won't be seeing it again.

And maybe just maybe, leave Towie alone and work on your dream a little bit?

SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS! - What's your opinion?

Monday#1 - ActionForToday: - Find one different source of information- DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE TV!

Keeping Smiling & Stay Motivated.

Happy Monday!

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Super Saturday

Something you should know.


You made it to the end of the working week. And this is the point where we think it's time to really know what's going on around the world... Socially and environmentally around the world, it's time to ask - what's changed?

This week is a one off, but as of next week, you'll be reading something new, something you should know.

Beware! - prepare to become an even greater, wiser person.

Saturday#1 - Your Action For Today: #TreatYourSelf!

(Remember to @EyeSpeakTV & #EyeSpeakTV)

Make the most of your day off! - But say focused!

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Throwback Thursday

Just a little recap.
Image result for memory lane sign

Clue's in the name. But we're going to try this outside the norm. EyeSpeakTV has created content on YouTube, Mixcloud and Soundcloud. However; not everyone prefers to watch videos or listen to podcasts and if you are that person... You should change (just saying...). 

Throwback Thursday for EyeSpeakTV is going to be the section where we discuss or simply talk a little bit more about one of the videos we have created and if you like what you read, hop onto YouTube and watch the video for yourself, and if you already have; congratulations! You're already one step closer to becoming a better, more knowledgeable person.

Now you're probably wondering, what is the point of blogging about a video that is online? Why not just promote the video? Simply because; the videos are so much more than a video. It is a movement, it has a message, a valuable message. So we are going to do this. We are going to review and elaborate on the video. Make it magical and work towards changing a life, maybe even yours :)

Thursday#1: YourActionForToday: Watch One EyeSpeakTV Video!

And remember to recap on your journey so far, because EyeSpeakTV is going to an extraordinary one... What about you?

Keep smiling (:

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Wise Up Wednesday

Looking for advise? Looking for knowledge? Look no further.

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Congratulations, you made it half way through the working week. Two more days at work, two more days in school, college or university. Whilst we go about our day to day life; we come across this one little thing. You've probably heard of it.... 'problems'. Well EyeSpeakTV is here to encourage you think about these things. Which is where Wise Up Wednesdays comes in! We want to get you thinking about all these problems you face to day to day. Now you're probably wondering; why Wednesday? Well simply because it is half way through the week meaning that whatever problems you have faced so far, you have the rest of the week to solve it/overcome it and the rest of the month to learn from it and learn how it avoid it next time round or how to deal with it. 

So we welcome and introduce: Wise Up Wednesday, the advise column - providing information on social and environmental issues, answering any questions you may have or simply touching about issues that people are scared to talk about. So we are going to talk about it. Change won't happen if the conversation doesn't happen.

So let's do it. 

Let's talk about it.

Let's create change.

Wednesday#2 - YOUR ACTION FOR TODAY: #LearnSomethingThatWasPreviouslyUnknownToYou
(Remember to @EyeSpeakTV & #EyeSpeakTV)